Welcome to the Club Office!

The physical act of going back to the workplace will become a conscious choice for many – one that is guided by the tasks that lie ahead, the required level of interaction, and the need for direct access to human and physical resources.

-vitra: the e-paper about the future of shared spaces, issue #7

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When faced with the ever-shifting nature of contemporary work in the wake of the pandemic, our partners at Vitra, true to their established nature as trendsetters in the global design field, paved the way towards a new perspective on office spaces, their requirements and qualities, all incorporated into an architectural concept. As such, we now have the pleasure of welcoming you to the Club Office.

The Club Office anchors itself in a romantic past through its proposed dynamics - the Club’s ‘members’ taking part in the process of establishing the culture and character of their environment - while always keeping an eye on the future through its flexible nature. The very first iteration of this concept was built in 2021 at the Vitra Research & Design Office, in Birsfelden, Switzerland.

There are three main components to the Club Office: the public, semi-public and private areas. Within this organisational system, there is a whole variety of spatial configurations and social scenarios which can occur. The proportions and relationships between these spaces are entirely flexible and completely up to the individual requirements of the client.

The public area welcomes informal interactions and spontaneous meetings, open to both ‘members’ of the Club and their guests. The semi-public area provides a transitional environment, adapting to a multitude of scenarios - ranging from relaxed group activities, to outside workshops, to team-based project work. Finally, the private area is dedicated to focused work.

We had the pleasure of implementing this concept several times in our work, and we can only hope there's many more to come in the future!


Club Office, Vitra Research & Design Office, Birnsfelden; Vitra.

The e-paper about the future of shared offices, Issue #7; Vitra.

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